Devoloped by Astha Technology
Total ISP Solution (TIS) is a billing application for ISP company. At March 2013 we launch TIS with 2 ISP. Right now 400+ reputed ISP company are using our application. We developed this based on ISP requirements. Actually we know “What is the requirements of an ISP”. 1500+ ISP helped us to develop by giving their requirements and idea. We develop modules one by one, day by day and till now. Actually "We never stop our development process" and also it's a total customizable application, which means we are customizing with ISP requirements and full-fill all demands. Because of "Customer satisfaction is the first priority".
[CHECK DEMO]01. Last 30 Days New Clients graph.
02. Last 30 Days Bill Collection Graph.
03. Last 30 Days Auto Inactive Clients by deadline Graph.
04. Last 180 Days Collection Vs Discount Graph.
05. Live Total Online Clients Count on All Mikrotiks [5sec Refreash].
06. Month Wise Due Bills Summary as Pie Chart.
07. Month Wise Mac Reseller Expense as Pie Chart.
08. Zone Wise AUTO Inactive/Terminated Clients Count.
09. Recent Auto Inactivated Clients List.
10. Employee Log Summary List.
11. Total clients, Active clients, Inactive clients.
12. Today’s auto Inactive clients.
13. Total Pending Ticket.
14. Today’s Expense.
15. Monthly others Collection.
16. Monthly Reseller Collection.
17. Monthly Signup fee Collection.
18. Old Due Amount.
19. Running Month Total Bills.
20. Running Month Total Bills Collection.
21. Total Dues.
22. Today’s collection.
23. Application update news for admin And Much More.
01. Add PPPoE clients.
02. Add Queue clients.
03. Add Invoice clients.
04. Row, YouTube and Facebook bandwidth for Queue.
05. New connection request and approve my check.
06. Auto or manual bill calculation.
07. Bill adjustment when re-active clients.
08. Send login info my SMS.
09. Add Mac-Reseller clients.
10. Set Payment deadline.
11. Auto disconnect clients if miss deadline date.
12. Lock clients.
13. Set permanent discount.
14. Signup fee.
15. Package upgrade/downgrade.
16. Line shift schedule.
17. Used inventory like ONU, Fiber etc.
18. PPPoE Password change.
19. Clients profile with every history.
20. Clients Active/Inactive anytime.
21. Send SMS to client.
22. Auto inactive note.
23. Search Clients by company ID, PPPoE ID, Phone No, Address.
24. Mark client location on google map.
25. Set client uplink device and road on google map.
26. Clients realtime download/upload speed, ping check, router name etc on profile.
27. Clients can login in application by their PPPoE username and password.
28. Clients can update his/her informations and NID images.
29. Clients can pay by online payment (bKash, Rocket etc) from his/her panel.
01. Add unlimited mikrotik.
02. User synchronization.
03. Real-time Active Connections.
04. Set user mac in PPPoE Secrete.
05. PPPoE Secrete and uses.
06. Queues clients list.
07. ARP List.
01. 2 type View, #Diagram View and #Google Map View.
02. Show you A to Z network on google map with fiber roads and cores color.
03. Add unlimited network devices like Onu, Spliter, Pon etc.
04. Set device location on google map.
05. Set fiber road in google map with core colors.
06. Real-time device monitoring. When any ONU down or up, Application will notify you on your phone.
07. Set clients google location when add. Application will drow a fiber from spliter to client onu.
08. Edit your network any time.
09. Easy to use.
01. Generate bill automatically.
02. Print all or individual billing invoice.
03. Send auto SMS to all clients with their bills.
04. Bill collection door-to-door by mobile and give money receipt by pos printer/pocket printer.
05. Online, offline and door-to-door bill collection by billman.
06. Payment entry and send invoice by SMS to clients.
07. Auto active client when all due bills are paid.
08. Transfer collected bills from employees to accounts.
09. Employee wise collection list.
10. Date wise collection list.
11. Advance bill collection.
12. Paid/Unpaid list.
13. Clients billing history.
14. Tag bKash and rocket merchant account to bank account.
15. Check bKash and rocket payments by Trxid.
16. Online payment gateway bKash, Rocket, iPay and SSL Commerze.
01. Cash in hand.
02. Income Statement.
03. Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly income, expanse and revenue.
04. Income from bills, signup, reconnection, line shift, package change, reseller payment etc.
05. Others income from outside.
06. Others income from clients like line shift, router configure etc.
07. Daily expense by employee and approve by admin.
08. Fund transfer.
09. Loan receive and payments.
10. Vendor payment.
11. Vendor ledger.
12. Bank accounts.
01. Instrument and fiber stock summery.
02. Instruments in/out with Serial No/barcode.
03. Purchase details.
04. Stock out full details.
05. Search Instruments by Serial No.
06. Vendor information’s.
07. Check Instrument warranty by Serial No.
08. Out fiber/cable piece by piece.
09. Damage product list.
10. Add product with many information’s.
01. Open ticket by clients or employee.
02. Send acknowledged SMS to client.
03. Assign employee for individual ticket and acknowledge the client by SMS.
04. Send SMS to technician with clients basic information when assign.
05. Change assigned technician when he old technician are unable.
06. Clients and technician can reply under a ticket.
07. List of open, solved, under process and complicated ticket.
08. Ticket closing button are available when problem are solved.
09. Notify client when ticket close and send SMS with Technician rating link.
10. Technician rating from client’s satisfaction with feedback to calculate employee efficiency.
01. Mac-Reseller billing system are 2 type. 1. pre-paid & 2. Postpaid.
02. Mac-Reseller list with reseller billing information.
03. Manage their clients from Mac-Reseller panel.
04. Real time active clients list and change PPPoE password.
05. Add PPPoE Mac clients till balance are not “0.00” [pre-paid reseller].
06. Day wise auto bill calculation.
07. Active/Inactive own clients.
08. Package change.
09. Mac-Reseller full history and payments.
10. Mac-Reseller termination by admin.
11. Row, YouTube and Facebook for bandwidth Reseller.
12. Recharge reseller account by bKash and Rocket online payment.
13. Individual packages and rates for every reseller.
14. Reseller clients billing, collections, due system by reseller selling rates.
01. Monthly bill SMS with dues.
02. Dynamic due bill SMS (Due Clients).
03. Due clients bill SMS (Due Clients).
04. Zone wise bulk SMS.
05. Package wise bulk SMS.
06. Custom SMS to any number.
07. Send payment MR SMS.
08. Package change SMS.
09. Ticket opening SMS.
10. Ticked closing SMS with technician rating link.
11. Client welcome SMS with dialup username & password.
12. Package upgrade/downgrade SMS.
13. Active/Inactive SMS.
14. Deadline wise SMS.
15. Deadline wise connection inactive SMS.
16. Payment receive SMS with MR.
17. Online payment receive SMS with Trxid.
18. Others payment SMS.
19. Outside payment SMS.
20. Reseller payment receive SMS.
21. Online reseller payment receive SMS with Trxid.
22. Line shifting SMS.
23. Payment method, zone, payment deadline, line status wise SMS.
24. Set all SMS template as you want.
01. Bill Generation SMS to all clients and reseller.
02. 1st deadline remainder before 3days of deadline.
03. 2nd deadline remainder before 1day of deadline.
04. Disconnection SMS by deadline.
05. Online payment received SMS with Trxid.
06. Network devices down and up notification on phone.
07. Telegram group notifications.
01. Department & Designation.
02. Employee large Records with education qualification and experience.
03. Employee CV view and print.
04. Department wise user permission.
05. Employee attendance and leave calculation.
06. Employee salary payroll.
07. Salary and Advance salary calculation.
08. Support rating wise employee efficiency calculate.
01. Company Revenues.
02. New clients wise.
03. Zone wise.
04. Package wise.
05. Due bill wise.
06. Collection wise.
07. Collection and discount wise.
01. Cash In Hand.
02. Income Statement.
03. Company Revenues.
04. Expense (Employee & head wise).
05. Collection (Zone, Employee and payment method wise).
06. Collection summery.
07. Due bills (Zone, Employee and payment method wise).
08. Due bills summery.
09. Clients list.
10. Mac-Reseller bills.
11. Client’s ledger.
12. Ticket (Open/Close wise).
13. Store (Instruments In/Out/Remaining).
14. Store (Fiber In/Out/Remaining).
15. Others bill Collection.
16. Vendor Ledger.
17. BTRC report.
18. Store (Fiber In/Out/Remaining).
NOTE: All reports are in PDF and CSV format. Reports are depending on customer demand.
Plans | Max Limit | Monthly | Installation |
01 | 200 | 1500TK | 8000TK |
02 | 500 | 1800TK | 10000TK |
03 | 1000 | 2500TK | 12000TK |
04 | 1500 | 3000TK | 14000TK |
05 | 2000 | 3500TK | 15000TK |
06 | 2500 | 4000TK | 15000TK |
07 | 3500 | 5000TK | 15000TK |
08 | 4000 | 5500TK | 20000TK |
09 | 5000 | 6000TK | 20000TK |
10 | After 5000 | 1TK/Per User | 20000TK |
>> 1st month free as setup month. |
First of all, this application are not basic application. Have to learn and understand application language and modules one by one with passion. Also "No need any physical server". Our all cloud servers are BDIX Connected. Thats why applications are running very fast and smooth.